Monday, February 23, 2009

The first time I called "911" in Seattle

The first time I called 911 in Seattle.
In Occidental Square Park, that's why I couldn't forget this place.

After I took pictures in Occidental Square Park, I prepared to go to Pioneer Square Park.
I was looking my map and tried to find the direction.
Suddenly, a woman came closed to me, and said,"Help me to call 911."
Her voice was very unclear, and she spoke very fast.
I couldn't know what she said, just heard few words about rob, her money, and her Id card.
She pushed me to the telphone and already dailed the 911.
I didn't know what to do, so i picked up the telphone and talked to the police officer.
He asked me what happened, and few question.
And I tried to explain to him the situation and what I known.
But for me, it's still very hard.

Fortunately, a nice family came here and asked what happened.
I told them that this woman had a trouble and I was talking to the police.
And my english was not good enough to explain the situation to the police officer, so I gave the phone to the mother.
She told the police that the woman might have mental illness, and all of us didn't see the real situation.

After the phone, we were waiting for the police and talked.
Finally, police came here and brought the woman to the police office.
And my story was ended here.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Travel in Seattle

Fabuary 14th 2009
It was Valentine's Day
I had no plan to do, so I decided to go to Seattle alone.
I met my classmates at the bus station, and the first place we wanted to go was the same,
so I had partners when the tirp started.

The first place was Pike Place Market.
Here has the first Starbucks and "flying fish".
It's very fun, if you go there, remenber take a look and watch out the flying fish.

After Pike Place Market, we went to eat lunch "The Cheesecake Factory"
It's pretty good, nice place, delicious food, and fantastic cheesecake, m~~yummy!
Finish the happy lunch time, they wanted to go shopping, and I had other place wanted to go,
so we said goodbye to each other.

I started walking to China town.
Kobe Terrace Park, a place let you felt like in Japan.

Hing Hay Park, a pavilion made in Taiwan, Taipei.

After all of this place,I went to Pioneer Square.
Klondick Gold Rush National Historical Park, a place recorded the history of gold-digger.
Waterfall Garden Park, a nice place that you could take a rest.

Occidental Square Park, a place that I couldn't forget.

You want to know why?
I'll tell you in next post.
The last place was Pioneer Square Park.

Then I took the bus back to home.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

15 Things about me

01.I'm Wade, and there's no other "Wade" like me! It's the first thing I want you to know.
02.I have a girlfriend, and she is my first girlfriend! I believe we can get married!
03.I love sleeping, that's why all my ID's names are wade"zzzz"
04.I have a big nevu between my mouth and my nose!
05.I'm lazy for everything, but I'm trying to change it.
06.I don't like to take a picture, that's why I always take the camera.
07.I love singing, and I have 10 years experience in choruses.
08.I have a professional disease; when I hear someone's pitch is wrong, I 'll try to correct it.
09.I love CSI, especally the part of identificationof corpse!
10.If I have nothing to do, I'll just walk in the house again and again!
11.I like playing board games, especially "the bridge"!
12.I like music, all kinds of music without heavy metal!
13.My favorite group is "King's singers", maybe you never heard them before. You can try to use the google help you find the answer.
14.I don't believe in God, but sometimes I'll go to church, jut for fun!
15.My English is very poor, can I write this blog in Chinese?

Just Kidding.