Wednesday, February 11, 2009

15 Things about me

01.I'm Wade, and there's no other "Wade" like me! It's the first thing I want you to know.
02.I have a girlfriend, and she is my first girlfriend! I believe we can get married!
03.I love sleeping, that's why all my ID's names are wade"zzzz"
04.I have a big nevu between my mouth and my nose!
05.I'm lazy for everything, but I'm trying to change it.
06.I don't like to take a picture, that's why I always take the camera.
07.I love singing, and I have 10 years experience in choruses.
08.I have a professional disease; when I hear someone's pitch is wrong, I 'll try to correct it.
09.I love CSI, especally the part of identificationof corpse!
10.If I have nothing to do, I'll just walk in the house again and again!
11.I like playing board games, especially "the bridge"!
12.I like music, all kinds of music without heavy metal!
13.My favorite group is "King's singers", maybe you never heard them before. You can try to use the google help you find the answer.
14.I don't believe in God, but sometimes I'll go to church, jut for fun!
15.My English is very poor, can I write this blog in Chinese?

Just Kidding.

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