Monday, March 16, 2009

My ideal weekend.

5pm~7pm Eat pasta for dinner with my girlfriend.
7pm~9pm Window shopping, bring my girlfriend to her house, then go home.
9pm~1am Watch TV, take a shower or anything I want to do at home.
1am~ Go to bed.

7am~8am Wake up and prepare to go out.
8am~9am Go to eat chinese breakfast near my high school.
9am~12pm Practice singing with my high school friends.
12pm~1pm Eat noodles with beef soup with my friends.
1pm~2am Go to my friend's house with my girlfriend and friends,
play mahjohg, poker, or other boardgames.
Eat pizza for dinner.
2am~ sleep in my friend's house.

10am~11am Get up, clean up mess from last night and leave.
11am~1pm Eat fried pork steak set for lunch with my firlfriend.
1pm~6pm Watch a movie and go shopping with my girlfriends.
6pm~8pm Eat sushi or fry rice for dinner with my girlfriend.
8pm~9pm Bring my girlfriend to her house then go home.
9pm~1am Take a shower, watch TV or anything I want to do at home.
1am~ Go to bed.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Furthest Distance in the World ~ Rabindranath Tagore ~

The Furthest Distance in the World
~ Rabindranath Tagore ~

The furthest distance in the world
is not between life and death,
but when I stand in front of you
yet you don't know that
I love you.

The furthest distance in the world
is not when I stand in front of you
yet you can't see my love,
but when undoubtedly knowing the love from both
yet cannot
be together.

The furthest distance in the world
is not being apart while being in love,
but when plainly cannot resist the yearning
yet pretending
you have never been in my heart.

The furthest distance in the world
is not pretending you have never been in my heart,
but using one's indifferent heart
to dig an uncrossable river
for the one who loves you.

This poem is separated into 4 paragraphs
Every paragraph starts with "The furthest distance in the world,"
wiich is what the poet wants to talk about.
Most people think that life and death is the furthest distance in the world.
But for Tagore it's not the furthest distance.

In first paragraph,
he thought that even he was so closed to her,
but she didn't understand his heart was the furthest distance in the world.

In second paragraph,
He said there was something further then the first paragraph,
that's the lover couldn't get together.
Because in first paragraph only 1 people feel sad,
in second paragraph, both of them are sad.

In third paragraph,
pretending you don't love the one who you love is the furthest distance in the world.
Because you need to go against to your heart.

In the last paragraph,
the furthest distance in the world is to hurt someone who love you.

What about you?
what's the furthest distance in the world for you?

Monday, March 9, 2009

Street Sign

Where are the signs?
The signs are anywhere that might have animals cross the road.
What does it mean?
It means that animals might cross the road.
Why is it there?
Let you know the place might have animails cross the road.
Who is it for?
For all the drivers
What happened if you disboey it?
You may hit the animals and have an accident.
Is it to warn you?

My teacher tells me this is irony.

Where is the sign?
You can see it every crossroads.
What does it mean?
You need to stop and make sure no car on both sides.
Why is it there?
Because there is no traffic lights and wants drivers look out other ways cars.
Who is it for?
All drivers.
What happened if you disboey it?
Maybe has a car accident.
Is it to warn you?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My Favorites

Here are my favorites things.

My favorite group: The King's Singers
It's an a capella group
First time I heard them was in my hing school.
Because i needed to learn one of their song.
After that, I love them.

My favorite animal: Scotish Fold (kind of cat)
I love it, because it's pretty cute, big eyes, lovly face.
Everythings are very cute.

My favorite food: sashimi
I love lots kind of Japan foods, raman, sushi.
But my favorite is sashimi.
You ask me why?
I don't know why, I just love it.
Because It's very good.

My favorite America drama: House M.D.
It's a good drama.
I love House, he has a weird personality,
look like very cool,
but in some place, you'll find out he is a good man.

My favorite song: The Rose
Original performer: Bette Midler
It has simple but nice melody.
I love the lyrics.
I hope you can enjoy it.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Interview with Daina

Date: 02/25/2009

I asked her about her name and the title in Embassy.
She said, "My name is Daina, And I'm Embassy's English teacher."

"Where are you from?" ,I asked.
She said that she's from Chicago.

I asked her that how long had she been teaching in Embassy.
She told me started from September until now.

I asked her, "What's your last job before you teaching in Embassy?"
"Tutor", she said, "It's an one-to-one teaching, I'm teaching conversation and business English."

"So you'ar still a teacher." I said, "Do you like teaching?"
"Yes!" ,she said, " I like teaching."

"When you are teaching, what's the biggest challenge?" I asked.
"My biggest challenge is keeping students motivated in the last class of the day. Everyone is tired, but I try to keep things interesting while having a bit of fun too." She said.

I asked her that what's her happiest thing in teaching.
she told me that having communication with students makes her happy, she could learn different culture from different student.

I asked her, "Do you have any interests?"
She said, "without teaching? I like writing, traveling and having a long walk."

"So you like travel," I said, "How many countries have you been?"
"Seven, I think." she said

I asked her what's her favorite country.
She told me that no favorite country, but her favorite cities were Paris, Cordoba and Vilnius.
I asked her did she ever join The Fastival of San Fermin, running bulls.
She said she never join that.

I asked her, "What type of music you like?"
She said, "No specific type, but I like live music!"

I asked her what type of movie she like.
She said she liked comedy.

When I asked her about her favorite movie star, Tomoi was coming ,and talking with us.
Beacuse her flight was leaved at the next day, she came here to say goodbye.
And They talked about the wedding, I knew Tomoe will get married,
but I didn't know Daina will get married.

After Tomoe leaved, i asked about her favorite movie star.
She said that she didn't have a favorite movie star, but she liked historical movie.

I asked her, "When will you get married? I never heared that when i was in your class."
She told me, " In August, actuality we talk about it for a long time, and few days ago, he maked the proposal."

"Congratulations!" I said, "What will you do after you get married?"
"I'll keep teaching!" She said, "Because I love teaching!"

After all, I said thank you for your help, I was very happy to have an interview with her.