Monday, March 2, 2009

Interview with Daina

Date: 02/25/2009

I asked her about her name and the title in Embassy.
She said, "My name is Daina, And I'm Embassy's English teacher."

"Where are you from?" ,I asked.
She said that she's from Chicago.

I asked her that how long had she been teaching in Embassy.
She told me started from September until now.

I asked her, "What's your last job before you teaching in Embassy?"
"Tutor", she said, "It's an one-to-one teaching, I'm teaching conversation and business English."

"So you'ar still a teacher." I said, "Do you like teaching?"
"Yes!" ,she said, " I like teaching."

"When you are teaching, what's the biggest challenge?" I asked.
"My biggest challenge is keeping students motivated in the last class of the day. Everyone is tired, but I try to keep things interesting while having a bit of fun too." She said.

I asked her that what's her happiest thing in teaching.
she told me that having communication with students makes her happy, she could learn different culture from different student.

I asked her, "Do you have any interests?"
She said, "without teaching? I like writing, traveling and having a long walk."

"So you like travel," I said, "How many countries have you been?"
"Seven, I think." she said

I asked her what's her favorite country.
She told me that no favorite country, but her favorite cities were Paris, Cordoba and Vilnius.
I asked her did she ever join The Fastival of San Fermin, running bulls.
She said she never join that.

I asked her, "What type of music you like?"
She said, "No specific type, but I like live music!"

I asked her what type of movie she like.
She said she liked comedy.

When I asked her about her favorite movie star, Tomoi was coming ,and talking with us.
Beacuse her flight was leaved at the next day, she came here to say goodbye.
And They talked about the wedding, I knew Tomoe will get married,
but I didn't know Daina will get married.

After Tomoe leaved, i asked about her favorite movie star.
She said that she didn't have a favorite movie star, but she liked historical movie.

I asked her, "When will you get married? I never heared that when i was in your class."
She told me, " In August, actuality we talk about it for a long time, and few days ago, he maked the proposal."

"Congratulations!" I said, "What will you do after you get married?"
"I'll keep teaching!" She said, "Because I love teaching!"

After all, I said thank you for your help, I was very happy to have an interview with her.

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