Monday, March 9, 2009

Street Sign

Where are the signs?
The signs are anywhere that might have animals cross the road.
What does it mean?
It means that animals might cross the road.
Why is it there?
Let you know the place might have animails cross the road.
Who is it for?
For all the drivers
What happened if you disboey it?
You may hit the animals and have an accident.
Is it to warn you?

My teacher tells me this is irony.

Where is the sign?
You can see it every crossroads.
What does it mean?
You need to stop and make sure no car on both sides.
Why is it there?
Because there is no traffic lights and wants drivers look out other ways cars.
Who is it for?
All drivers.
What happened if you disboey it?
Maybe has a car accident.
Is it to warn you?

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